Berbagai perusahaan sering mencari contoh surat niaga untuk pemesanan atau penawaran produk kepada pelanggan. Di era digital saat ini, contoh surat niaga bisa didapatkan dengan mudah, baik melalui media internet, blog, maupun referensi direktori pustaka online lainnya.
Sama seperti di masa lalu, biasanya perusahaan akan mengirimkan surat niaga melalui email pribadi maupun kampanye email marketing kepada pelanggan potensial. Hal ini penting, supaya dapat meningkatkan brand awareness, meretensi pelanggan, serta menambah peluang keuntungan.
Sebelum melihat berbagai contoh surat niaga secara saksama, mari pahami panduan langkah demi langkah menulis surat niaga yang efektif untuk menjangkau pelanggan.
Baca juga: 4 Contoh surat pengantar untuk berbagai keperluan kerja
Apa itu surat niaga?
Perusahaan akan menulis surat niaga untuk memperkenalkan produk maupun jasa. (Sumber: Freepik)
Surat niaga adalah surat yang digunakan untuk menjual produk atau layanan berupa surat langsung, email, halaman website, atau dokumen pemasaran lainnya. Adapun tujuan surat niaga adalah melakukan penawaran, pemesanan, atau membujuk si penerima surat niaga agar mau membeli produk atau layanan tertentu.
Perusahaan akan menulis surat niaga untuk mempromosikan atau memperkenalkan suatu produk maupun jasa agar penjualannya meningkat. Dengan membaca surat niaga tersebut, harapannya adalah pembaca menjadi tertarik membeli atau bertanya-tanya tentang produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan.
Baca juga: 6 Contoh Surat Penawaran Barang Resmi yang Baik dan Benar
Tujuan dibuatnya surat niaga
Surat niaga dapat menjalin hubungan langsung dengan calon pelanggan baru. (Sumber: Freepik)
Adapun tujuan surat niaga adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Menangkap perhatian pelanggan baru
Surat niaga dapat menjalin hubungan langsung dengan calon pelanggan baru. Karena itu, menulis surat niaga adalah cara efektif untuk menarik pelanggan terhadap bisnis, brand, produk, serta layanan perusahaan.
2. Membangkitkan minat konsumen
Jika ada produk atau layanan yang ingin dirilis ke pasaran, menulis surat niaga adalah cara ideal memperkenalkannya kepada pelanggan. Saat ini, banyak orang yang masih tetap memakai email untuk berkomunikasi. Termasuk, dalam hal email marketing masih menjadi teknik pemasaran yang bagus untuk membangkitkan minat konsumen terhadap produk atau jasa yang baru dirilis.
3. Mempromosikan call-to-action
Ajak konsumen untuk melakukan tindakan seperti membeli produk, mendaftar buletin, mengunduh dokumen, mendaftar seminar, atau pembelian apapun melalui surat niaga. Perusahaan juga bisa mengundang pelanggan untuk hadir dalam event atau obral online yang baru dirilis lewat email surat niaga.
4. Meningkatkan kesadaran merek
Menulis surat niaga untuk menjual produk juga turut mempromosikan kesadaran merek perusahaan. Bisnismu akan lebih dikenal pelanggan baru dan dapat membantu perusahaan lebih mudah diingat masyarakat luas.
Baca juga: 8 Contoh Penulisan Alamat Surat yang Benar Sesuai Kaidah
Struktur informasi dalam surat niaga
Surat niaga peru mengandung struktur pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup. (Sumber: Freepik)
Ada beberapa struktur contoh surat niaga yang memang harus ada dan tidak bisa disepelekan. Agar sukses menulis contoh surat niaga, mari simak beberapa struktur contoh surat niaga berikut.
- Bagian kepala atau kop surat niaga
- Terdapat nomor referensi surat niaga
- Terdapat lampiran surat niaga
- Mencantumkan perihal atau tujuan maksud surat niaga dibuat
- Mencantumkan tanggal surat niaga
- Terdapat alamat surat
- Mencantumkan salam pembuka
- Mengandung isi pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup surat niaga. Termasuk penawaran, pemesanan, atau detail informasi tambahan pengiriman, pembayaran, dan pengemasan, dll
- Mencantumkan salam penutup
- Terdapat tanda tangan pengirim surat niaga
- Mencantumkan jabatan pengirim
Baca juga: 5 Contoh surat keterangan kerja dan cara membuatnya
9 Contoh surat niaga pemesanan dan penawaran
Contoh surat niaga pemesanan dan penawaran. (Sumber: Freepik)
1. Contoh surat niaga penawaran jasa dan barang
Apakah Anda siap menikmati manfaat pijat relaksasi tanpa meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah? Connie Baker yang terhormat, Kami sangat senang mengumumkan peluncuran kursi pijat mewah baru kami, Spa Pro 2.0. Dari perusahaan yang sama, yang membawakan Anda Spa Pro asli. Nikmati manfaat pijat seluruh tubuh dari kenyamanan rumah dengan Spa Pro 2.0 versi terbaru. Kursi pijat kami ini menawarkan:
Setelah seharian bekerja, Anda berhak bersantai dan menikmati manfaat dari pijat profesional kelas spa. Didukung tim terapis fisik, terapis pijat berlisensi, ahli tulang, dan ahli anatomi telah merancang kursi pijat kami untuk memberikan pijatan yang membuat Anda seolah-olah telah menghabiskan hari di spa favorit. Dengan lebih dari 20.000 ulasan bintang lima, Spa Pro 2.0 membantu mengatasi nyeri otot, kejang, masalah persendian, ketidaksejajaran tulang belakang dan leher, serta nyeri otot atau nyeri kronis. Setelah hampir 20 tahun sebagai terapis pijat berlisensi, kami merilis kursi pijat Spa Pro 2.0 karena keinginan membantu mereka yang ingin mendapatkan manfaat pijat seluruh tubuh tanpa merogoh kocek mahal untuk pengalaman spa mewah. Kami bangga telah memberikan pengalaman spa di rumah kepada pelanggan yang bahagia selama lima tahun terakhir dan mengantisipasi berbagi keajaiban Spa Pro 2.0 kami dengan Anda dan keluarga. Hormat kami, |
2. Contoh surat niaga pemesanan barang
PT. XYZ Pasuruan, 10 Maret 2022 Kepada Yth. Dengan hormat, Surat yang Bapak/Ibu kirimkan dengan nomor referensi surat 001/SHJT/VIX/2022 telah kami terima dan dikonfirmasi. Kami sangat berterima kasih atas surat penawaran yang dikirimkan dan menyampaikan maksud untuk melakukan pemesanan sejumlah barang. Adapun rincian barang tersebut, antara lain:
Mohon bantuannya agar bisa secepatnya ditindak lanjuti proses berikutnya agar kami bisa segera menerima barang tersebut. Bila memungkinkan, sebelum tanggal 11 Maret 2022. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan via transfer bank setelah 1 hari barang diterima dan kami periksa kelayakannya. Bukti pembayaran atau kuitansi transfer akan kami kirimkan salinannya. Demikian surat pemesanan ini kami buat dan atas perhatiannya kami sampaikan terima kasih. Hormat kami, |
3. Contoh surat niaga bisnis
From: To: Date:_____ Dear Sir/Madam, Our new launch is_____(introduce new product and quote the price). It carries_____( mention the features). You will get the best deal in the market with us. We are expecting a positive response. For further details and demonstrations, please feel free to contact our customer relationship manager at_____(email address or phone number). Thank you. Sincerely, |
4. Contoh surat niaga penawaran pizza
Date Dear pizza lovers, Hungry? What tastes great after a long day at school? Nothing beats a hot and cheesy pizza from Tasty Pizza Parlor in Troy. Just look at what we offer:
Please consider Tasty Pizza Parlor for your next pizza purchase. You can call or come by. You can also see our advertisement in the weekly TIMES. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK: Mix and Match. Choose any 1 pizza at regular price & get a side of your choice for ½ price. PLUS, get a FREE 2-liter with any purchase. |
5. Contoh surat niaga jasa kebersihan jendela
ACME WINDOW WASHING April 15, 2004 Mr. Raymond Blink Dear Mr. Blink, How many times have you heard, “Oh…and by the way—I don’t do windows!” Well, you won’t hear that from us. It’s what we do. We know that there are more important things for you to be doing than washing windows. SO—do them. And call us to do your windows. ACME WINDOW WASHING Take advantage of our FREE onsite service consultation. Let us give you a FREE, on the spot, CLEAN QUOTE. See for yourself why, for over twenty years, so many home and business owners in the Greater Scranton Area have turned first to ACME WINDOW WASHING. From the ground floor to the top floor, we provide the highest quality interior and exterior window cleaning service money can buy—at prices that are hard to beat. Along with your FREE CLEAN QUOTE, we will provide you with a personally tailored monthly window-cleaning program designed to fit your busy lifestyle. With certified ACME professionals on the job you will be doing one less mundane chore. While you go about your business, we’ll go about ours. We’ll make the world outside your window a brighter place. SO—don’t delay. Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today. Mention this letter and receive a 25% DISCOUNT on the first regularly scheduled service call of your personally tailored monthly window-cleaning program. Let us do your windows, When the world outside looks dirty— Get Your Windows Washed |
6. Contoh surat niaga penawaran paket liburan
FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: TAKE TWO VACATIONS THIS YEAR… BUT ONLY PAY FOR ONE! Dear_____, Summer is in the air. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are getting warmer… The kids are looking forward to the end of another school year... You’ve got your family’s plans set for summer and you’re looking forward to your vacation. Wait! You don’t have travel plans yet? No problem. Let Marriott Vacation Club help you plan something – and receive a very special free bonus vacation while you’re at it. EYE-POPPING, JAW-DROPPING, HEART-STOPPING VARIETY Marriott Vacation Club isn’t your parents’ timeshare. You’re not locked into going to the same place, at the same time, year after year. With us, the world is your oyster. You can stay at a variety of Marriott resorts, villas, and hotels near or far, from Arizona to Tokyo. Prefer cruising? Use your points on some of America’s most popular cruise lines, like Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, and Holland America. For those who prefer adventure, let us send you on a guided tour of Machu Picchu – or maybe an African safari! You can do all of these things—and much, much more—with your Marriott Vacation Club points. A different destination each time, or the same place if that’s more your style. Don’t want to travel this year? Either roll your points over, or use them on unforgettable experiences like theme park excursions, golf lessons, exotic car driving… The sky’s the limit! And along with this superior variety, ownership in the Marriott Vacation Club brings you the Marriott service and value you know and expect, as well as a deeded real estate investment. Of course this all sounds pretty good to start with. But as we like to tell our members, “Wait! There’s more!” Because if you sign up for Marriott’s Vacation Club by May 31… WE’LL SEND YOU ON A FREE BEACH VACATION THIS SUMMER! Yes, you read that correctly. All you need to do is register for the club and purchase points by the end of the month.1 We’ll add points to your account that you can redeem for up to seven nights at one of 15 select Marriott properties in the U.S., Caribbean, or Spain. You’ll still have the points you purchase available for use later – so you’ll be getting two vacations for the price of one! |
7. Contoh surat niaga penawaran roti dan kue
[Sender's Name] [Recipients Name] [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional- Dear [Recipients Name], We know that you've been looking for that perfect cake to have at your child's birthday party. The one that will make his or her eyes glow with wonderment and appreciation. The Good Baker has finally completed and is ready to show off our new line of birthday cakes for this year! We have added many more themes and flavors from which you may choose! We're sure to have just what you need. So for that particular occasion, there is no place better to get your cakes from than The Good Baker, especially now that we've revamped our product line. Place an order now! Sincerely, [Sender's Name] [Enclosures: number] -Optional- |
8. Contoh surat niaga penawaran generator listrik
Date_____ Sub: Sales Letter Dear customer, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of (Company/Organization name). It has come to my knowledge that you run a showroom of electric generators (Product type). It would be my pleasure to inform you that (Company/Organization name) has been manufacturing electric generators (Product/Parts type) since (Year). It is an ISO 9002 certified company. Our (Product/Parts type) have been found to be the best among their competitors. It can be verified from all the company’s sold item’s data. Our (Product/Parts type) have proved to work in very harsh conditions. It doesn’t matter if the weather is hot or cold. Our (Product/Parts type) will give you the marked efficiency in all cases. New (Product/Parts type) are equipped with variable valve technology too, which results in less consumption of fuel. Based on the above description, I would like to welcome you to invest in our firm and place an order for these (Product/Parts type) as soon as possible. I would try to get you a discount offer too, based on your order. Thank you. Your name_____ |
9. Contoh surat niaga penawaran kerjasama iklan
Recital 2017 At SOD we are busy preparing for our Annual Recital! Our Recital is attended by over 2,000 people! This year we are anticipating an even larger audience! Our theme this year is “IMAGINE”, and will include a dedication to your business or dreamer! If you would like to be included as an advertiser, or give love to your dreamer in our Recital Program Book, please return this letter along with appropriate payment by May 1st. Thank you for your support. Your advertising helps provide top-notch programming for our 350+ students! Warmest regards, Rachelle Ochsner, Owner Advertiser’s & Dreamer Ad checklist: Return this letter to Street of Dreams Dance Studio. 9960 W 191st St St.L Mokena, IL 60448 My ad choice is: I am sending a hard copy of my ad I am emailing a PDF or JPEG of my ad to [email protected] Authorized signature Date |
Baca juga: 5 Contoh surat permohonan berbagai keperluan
Itulah beberapa contoh surat niaga yang bisa kamu jadikan inspirasi membuat surat penawaran barang kepada pelanggan. Dalam hal surat-menyurat, terkadang memang dibutuhkan keahlian dan ketelitian, terutama dari karyawan berpengalaman. Semoga informasi di atas dapat membantumu, ya!
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